Our Courses

Our Courses

Discover the transformative power of our courses at Christ Restoration Institute & Seminary. Designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of biblical principles and practical ministry skills, our courses empower students to deepen their faith and become effective agents of change in the world. With a diverse range of courses, our courses include:

1. Faith Foundations 10. The Holy Spirit 18. Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 26. False Prophets
2. Aspects of Grace 11. Beleivers Authority 19. Bible Doctrines 27. Biblical Finances
3. Blood Covenant 12. Children Ministry 20. Youth Ministry 28. Supportive Ministry
4. The Trinity 13. Homiletics (Pulpit Speaking) 21. Submission & Authority 29. Marriage & Family
5. Christ the Healer 14. Doctrine of Healing 22. Escatology (End Times) 30. Evangelism
6. Ministry Gifts (5 Fold) 15. Mission & the Church 23. Old Testament Survey 31.New Testament Literature
7. Praise and Worship 16. Prayer Principles 24. Principles of Leadership 32. Redemption (Blood Of Jesus)
8. Righteousness (New Creation Realities) 17. Women Ministry 25. Angels and Demons 33. Heaven and Hell
9. Second Coming of Christ